6 Natural Sleep Aids To Combat Insomnia And Wake Up Refreshed

When you don’t get the Sleep You Need, your mind and body feel the effects. That’s what makes insomnia so frustrating. Even if you try all the classic sleep techniques, such as reading a book before bed instead of looking at your phone, you’ll definitely feel tired in the morning.

If you go online to find natural remedies for falling asleep, melatonin supplements are usually the first suggestion. However, if you’re worried about a“Melatonin hangover,” or just don’t want to take your pills, here are six other natural sleep aids and techniques to help ease your insomnia.

Make a cup of hot herbal tea

Tea is an ancient practice. Chamomile, Valerian Root and magnolia flower tea are natural remedies for anxiety, stress and insomnia. Drink one of these herbal teas at least an hour or two before bed-this gives you time to relax, enjoy the tea, and go to the bathroom before turning out the lights. Be sure to check the nutrition label to make sure the ingredients are caffeine-free.

Drop a drop of lavender oil on your pillow

One of the more popular home remedies-essential oils. If tea isn’t your favorite way to relax before bed, the scent of flowers and herbs is a great way to help you sleep. Some popular essential oils for sleep are lavender, chamomile and bergamot. Essential oils should not be ingested, but you can put a drop on your pillow at night. You can also diffuse essential oils into the air or make tea with dried lavender.

Use CBD oil, fudge, or ointment

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is derived from the cannabis plant. CBD is a safe and effective treatment for insomnia. It contains almost no Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol — the mind-altering substance found in marijuana. Many studies have shown that CDB is very effective in promoting sleep and reducing anxiety. It comes in many forms, such as essential oils and emulsions. Use before bed to promote drowsiness and relaxation.

Drink sour cherry juice

Tart cherry juice from tart cherries increases melatonin levels in people who drink it before bed. In the same study, the Cherry Juice Group spent more time in bed, fell asleep, and achieved greater overall sleep efficiency. This suggests that tart cherry juice has the potential to help insomnia.

Try dried passionflower or extract oil

Not to be confused with Passionflower — Passiflora edulis is a fast-growing vine that produces vibrant flowers. Not only is this plant beautiful, it can even help you fall asleep with herbal tea or extracted oils. Passion fruit has the potential to treat insomnia, according to a recent study. However, it is not recommended for pregnant people.

Practice Yoga and meditation before bed

Vigorous exercise before bed isn’t always a good idea, but light yoga or meditation before bed has been linked to reduced insomnia and improved sleep. Focus on your breathing and feel the stretch through simple yoga postures such as cat-cow, fold-forward or bridge. There are also many self-guided meditation apps to choose from.

The information contained in this article is for educational and promotional purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals, be sure to consult your doctor or other qualified health care provider.

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