A 10-action Stomach Workout You Can Do At Home Makes Your Core Stronger

Real talk. A“Flat stomach” fitness goal may not be achievable for everyone. In fact, many factors affect how flat your stomach is on any given day: where you are during your menstrual cycle, how well your digestive system is working, even if your parents gave you some valuable genes — you know, things you can’t control at all.

Another factor? Your Diet (yes, there is some truth to the phrase “Doing ABS in the kitchen”)“Core workouts aren’t just sit-ups and planks — what you eat affects how your stomach feels,” Kansas City Chiefs nutrition consultant Lessley Bunge (MPH, Rd) , founder of positive eating advice, tells health.

Bunge says you can remedy some of these problems by eating produce and filling up on vegetables, whole grains and beans at every meal, but even that won’t automatically flatten your stomach.

Endless sit-ups and sit-ups won’t either, but that doesn’t mean you should skip the core work. Instead, try to focus on a new goal: strengthening your core and making it as stable as possible-so stable that you can remain stable when someone tries to push you over in a plank position.

That’s because core stability is the foundation of all movement, and it’s the key to making your whole body stronger,” explains Meghan Hayden, NCSF-CPT coach at Performix House in New York City. “Every time we move our body, we’re not stabilizing, it’s moving through our core.” The stronger our core is, the better the foundation for any movement we make, especially when it comes to adding weight or resistance. The greater the load, the higher your stability requirements. In other words, the stronger your midsection, the heavier you can lift, the faster you can run, and the higher you can sit.

To build a strong, steady midsection, try these three abdominal workouts that Heiden has planned. You can warm up or cool down with any of these three moves, or you can do all three in a row to burn your belly. After a few weeks, you may get an added bonus: your stomach will feel flatter.

Circuit 1

Do 1-3 movements for 1 minute, rest for 20 seconds, then move on to the next movement. Repeat the whole cycle twice.

1. A one-legged flat plate

  • 1. Start with a high board, arms extended, wrists folded under shoulders. Form a straight line from the shoulders to the heels, with the pelvis slightly lowered and the feet shoulder-width apart.
  • 2. Slowly lift one leg off the ground. Hold for 30 seconds.
  • 3. Switch legs and hold for 30 seconds.

2. Turn the board

  • 1. Start with a high board position with wrists folded under the shoulders. Form a straight line from the shoulders to the heels, with the pelvis slightly lowered and the feet shoulder-width apart.
  • 2. To support the core, raise your right hand slowly, rotate your body to the right, and extend your right hand to the ceiling. The buttocks should be stacked and the feet rotated.
  • 3. Back to the high plank. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating for 1 minute.

3. Sit-ups to bird dogs

  • 1. Start with the forearm plank position with the elbows folded under the shoulders. Form a straight line from the shoulders to the heels, with the pelvis slightly lowered and the feet shoulder-width apart.
  • 2. Slowly lift and extend the right arm forward while lifting and extending the left leg back, balancing with core strength. Pause for a few seconds, then lower your arms and legs.
  • 3. Lift your left arm and right leg. Pause for a few seconds, then lower your arms and legs. Continue alternating for 1 minute.

Circuit 2

Do 4-6 exercises for 45 seconds, rest for 45 seconds, then move on to the next action. Repeat the whole cycle 3 times.

4. Dumbbell goblet squats

  • 1. Standing, feet apart, slightly wider than shoulder width, toes slightly outward. Hold a dumbbell in both hands, level with your chest.
  • 2. Keep your back straight and squat with your hips back and down until your hips are just below your knees, or as low as you can get. Hold for five seconds.
  • 3.With both feet, stand up. Repeat 45 seconds.

5. Dumbbell walking

  • 1. Stand with feet hip width apart. Hold a dumbbell in one hand.
  • 2. Slowly press the dumbbell over your head, palms facing the midline. Keep Your Arms Straight, shoulders away from your ears, and biceps at your ears.
  • 3. Lift the dumbbells overhead to support the core as you walk the length of the room.
  • 4.When you come to the end, turn around slowly and go back to the beginning.
  • 5. Switch Arms and repeat. Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

6. Keep Your Body Hollow

  • 1. Lie flat on the bed, arms straight, wrists on shoulders, legs table-shaped, knees on hips, knees bent 90 degrees, feet up.
  • 2. Supporting the core, lift the head, neck and shoulders off the ground, arms and legs straight, from fingertips to toes. Hold for 45 seconds.

Circuit 3

Do 7-10 actions for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then move on to the next action. Repeat the whole cycle 3 times.

7. Sit-ups

  • 1. Start with a high board position with wrists folded under the shoulders. Form a straight line from the shoulders to the heels, with the pelvis slightly lowered and the feet shoulder-width apart. Place your feet on a towel with a smooth surface.
  • 2. Lift your hips toward the ceiling with your core, legs, and hips, with your feet facing your hands. Keep your legs as straight as possible.
  • 3.Slowly lower into the plank position. Repeat 20 seconds.

8. Beast Walk

  • 1. Start with your feet on all fours, wrists under your shoulders, knees under your hips. Lift your knees about two inches off the ground by pushing with your hands and feet.
  • 2. Slowly move your right hand forward and your left foot forward.
  • 3. Slowly move your left hand and right foot forward. Keep Knees Low, back flat, and core hard.
  • 4. Continue to alternate steps and move forward for 20 seconds.

9. Supine leg drop

  • 1. Lie Flat on your back. Put your hands at your sides and lift your legs up to the ceiling.
  • 2. Keeping your core and hips tight, slowly lower your legs toward the ground and stop about 6 inches off the ground.
  • 3. Raise your legs toward the ceiling. If you have low back pain or discomfort, lift your legs higher off the ground or bend your knees. Repeat 20 seconds.

10. Side push-ups

  • 1. Lie on your side with your right forearm on the floor, elbows folded under your shoulders. You should form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels, buttocks folded.
  • 2. Press your right forearm to the floor and raise your hips to the ceiling. Extend your left arm toward the ceiling. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch sides.

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